Neem comb vs. plastic comb: Which one is better for your hair?

Folks, let's face it: hair care is no joke. It's a conversation starter, a bonding experience, and an investment in looking fabulous. Back in the day, we had shampoos, conditioners, and combs to get the job done. But now, we've got a whole arsenal of tools to perfect our locks. Enter plastic combs. These bad boys have been around since the dawn of time, and they're still in the game. But are they the real MVP, or is it time for an upgrade? Let's find out if neem combs have what it takes to give us luscious locks like never before. 

Neem combs are made from the bark of neem trees, which have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to promote hair growth and scalp health. Unlike plastic combs, neem combs are chemical-free and have natural antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help prevent dandruff and other scalp conditions. Plus, they're gentle on your hair and scalp, reducing the risk of breakage and irritation.

So, next time you're in the market for a new comb, why not give neem a try? Your hair will thank you, and who knows—you might just start a new trend among your friends. But be warned: once you go neem, you may never go back! 

Importance of choosing the right comb

If you are wondering why picking the perfect comb matters? Hold tight because you may repent the choices you made for haircare till now!

First of all, different combs are designed for different purposes. Wide-tooth combs are great for detangling wet hair, while fine-tooth combs are better for smoothing and styling dry hair. Paddle brushes are ideal for long, straight hair, while round brushes are better for creating volume and curls.

But it's not just about choosing the right type of comb - the material and quality of the comb also matter. Plastic combs are inexpensive and widely available, but they can cause static damage to the hair. Wooden combs are gentler and can help distribute natural oils throughout the hair, while metal combs are durable and can be used to create precise styles.

And then there's the question of hygiene. Combs can harbour bacteria and other germs, so it's important to clean them regularly. Using a dirty comb can lead to scalp irritation, dandruff, and even infections.

So, as you can see, there's more to choosing a comb than you might think. Whether you're looking for a new everyday comb or a specialized tool for a specific hairstyle, take the time to research your options and choose a comb that's right for you. Your hair (and your scalp) will thank you for it!

Enough of the build-up, let's check out the neem wood comb

The benefits of using a neem comb for hair

Dear mane-lovers, if you haven't learned about my benefits, you're lagging behind the troop moving to eco-friendly, sustainable products for daily care. I'm a neem comb and here is why I'm different.

  • Chemical-free: Say goodbye to harsh chemicals that damage your hair and scalp.
  • Antifungal and antibacterial properties: Keeps dandruff and scalp infections at bay.
  • Gentle on hair: Reduces breakage and irritation, leaving you with healthy, luscious locks.
  • Eco-friendly: Pure neem combs are biodegradable and sustainable, making them a great choice for the planet.
  • Natural fragrance: Enjoy the refreshing scent of neem with every stroke of your comb.
  • Ayurvedic goodness: A centuries-old secret to promote hair growth and scalp health.
  • Trendy: Get ready to be the talk of the town with this new hair care must-have.

Plastic combs: The not-so-fantastic four of hair care

You might want to hear this; That plastic comb you are using

  1. Causes static: Say goodbye to your sleek, stylish hairdo as plastic combs are notorious for causing static electricity.
  2. Damages hair: The harsh edges of plastic combs can cause split ends and hair breakage, making your hair look dull and lifeless. They are simply not so gentle.
  3. Is not eco-friendly: Plastic combs take years to decompose, contributing to environmental pollution. To add to this mess, they can break easily, hence not durable.
  4. Is not ideal for wet hair: Wet hair is more prone to damage and using a plastic comb on wet hair can lead to breakage and damage to the hair cuticle.
  5. Can irritate scalp: Rough plastic edges can cause scalp irritation, leading to itching, dandruff, and other scalp problems. 

Replace neem with plastic and voila! You're on the right side

Picture this: you've just spent an hour blow-drying and styling your hair, and you're feeling like a million bucks. But then you run a regular plastic comb through your locks and cringe you hear that awful staticky sound. Ugh, talk about ruining your vibe.

But fear not, my friends, a neem comb for hair may save your day!

A neem hair comb does everything keeping in mind you and your love for hair. They are chemical-free and eco-friendly. Being made from wood, they have a natural touch to them. 

You won't get:

1) Any staticky mess: 

2) Any damage to hair or scalp

3) Any dandruff

4) Any frequent wear & tear

You may miss out on these genuine benefits of an organic neem wood comb for hair if you stick to the old, plastic one. 

Putting your saviour neem comb to use in the right way

Follow this 2-step approach while using the neem comb:

Step 1: It's time for a lice-ectomy! Brush your hair with the wide-toothed side of the comb, starting at the roots and working down to the ends. Keep an eagle eye out for any creepy crawlies that get caught in the comb's teeth. If you don't spot any, high-five yourself and move on to step 2. If you do, take a deep breath and proceed to step 3.

Step 2: Time to get up close and personal with those pesky lice. Use the fine-toothed side of your neem comb to search every nook and cranny where they might be hiding (like behind ears or in bangs). But be warned, this side of the comb is sharp, so handle with care and don't get too scratchy with it.

Step 3: It is nothing but repeating the above steps in the right order till you see no trace of any nits on your head.

How often should I clean my neem comb?

Here's a quick checklist to ensure your neem comb is always your friend.

  • Clean the comb teeth with soap and water after using. Store it in an airtight container.
  • Beware—Don't brush wet hair! Also, don't forcefully detangle, tread gently. 

Ready to do away with the plastic comb? Try the best neem wood comb from Beco