Reasons To Try Beco's Laundry Detergent Sheets

Why should I? Yes, this counterargument thrown at most mothers and wives to prove a point is universal. Sometimes, a simple "why not?" would be sufficient, but for the most demanding ones, you ought to give quite a detailed explanation. We are going to give you a few good reasons for trying out Beco's laundry sheets.

Women in the household are generally paranoid about the health of their family members. That is why they go the extra mile and ensure to do everything by themselves. That also explains why some women can't help hoarding up when they see the good stuff, especially on sale. For instance, they can't help buying standard detergent powder with attractive offers like "get 200 grams extra" or "buy one, get one free." But do you know the exact ingredients in those large packets? They smell great, clean well, and are cheap. What about the health issues caused by some chemicals coming into contact with your skin? Read on to learn why eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets are good for your health and thank us later.

Are these natural washing sheets good for your clothes?

To understand it better, let us first understand what a conventional packet of detergent powder contains. Normally, detergent powder contains chemicals that fall into categories like builders, surfactants, enzymes, brighteners, fabric softeners, artificial fragrances, etc. When these chemicals come in contact with sensitive skin, they cause issues like redness of the skin, scaly or dry skin, itchiness, and burning sensation.

Moreover, continuous exposure to these chemicals may develop breathing problems like dust allergy. Sleeping on newly washed linens causes itchiness and a burning sensation on your skin. If anyone in your family complains about spending nights scratching all over the body, you may try to switch to eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets and see if it occurs again. If not diagnosed on time, these skin conditions can worsen. Hence, washing bed linens, clothes, and towels with these washing sheets is the only solution for skin irritation caused by a detergent allergy. As they are made of plant-based enzymes and completely free from harmful toxins and parabens, we recommend these sheets for cleaning your clothes.

Those who handle these detergent powder mixes are usually seen wearing gloves. Why? If the chemicals come in contact with your skin or eyes, that is going to end badly. Don't you think it is time to think if washing your clothes with these chemicals is safe for your health? Yet another thing you cannot ignore is that detergent powder produces a heavy lather that is not easily washed off while washing in washing machines. Washed clothes that look neat and fresh may still contain soap powder.

Weighing all the potential consequences, switching to Beco's detergent sheets will be a good idea. They are baby-friendly, skin-friendly and toxin-free. We also have some fascinating news for you. They are convenient, travel-friendly, and helpful, especially if you are away from home. Can you believe these little sheets can not only make your fabrics softer but also reduce static? The ingredients in these sheets can resist, neutralize and prevent the built-up static in the clothes.

The best thing about these laundry sheets is that they are gentle with your clothes. They are specially designed to dissolve after their purpose is served. Moreover, one sheet is enough for a single load, and a single packet of 30 sheets will last about 30 washes. It may seem expensive, but considering the benefits of prioritizing your well-being and the environment, it is worth every penny.

Convenience is yet another factor that will make you choose these. All you need to do is pull out a sheet and put it in the washing machine. No more worries about how much detergent powder is too much. One sheet has just the right amount of detergent to wash one load of clothes.

So, shop now for eco-friendly laundry sheets to choose a healthy and peaceful life.

What is the environmental impact of laundry detergent? 

Aside from causing skin irritation, standard detergent also disrupts the ecological balance. To be precise, the phosphates in standard detergents cause eutrophication once they get into waterways, not to mention their effect on the pH of the soil. Eutrophication causes algae to grow wildly, causing oxygen depletion in the water. This affects marine life drastically. While adding foam and toxins, the harsh chemicals also slow down the natural biodegradation process and increase salinity in water sources. If that does not bother you much, getting nauseated and having strong bowel movements accompanied by skin irritation might make you think twice. Well, that is what you can expect if you have continuous exposure to phosphate residue. They are so persistent that even wastewater treatment cannot eliminate them.

Is every natural sheet made of natural ingredients? No! You may not be aware that most of the conventional sheets on the market contain plastic. They are made of or coated with polyvinyl alcohol, otherwise known as PVA or PVOH. Some others are made of polyester, which is hard to break down. These brands claim that plastic dissolves during washing, but this is not always the case. PVA/PVOH biodegrades only to a certain degree and the rest will either clog your washing machine.

What makes Beco's detergent sheets eco-friendly and different from standard detergent? 

Laundry detergent sheets are an eco-friendlier alternative to traditional liquid or powder detergents. But are laundry detergent sheets better for the environment? Beco's laundry detergent sheets are made of natural ingredients and undergo a manufacturing process that does not cause damage to the environment. They do not contain artificial fragrances, dyes, brighteners or binders. That is why eco-friendly washing sheets are considered the green solution and brought a revolutionary change to the laundry segment.

Unlike chemical-laden liquids or powder that leaves a good amount of residue on your clothes, Beco's laundry detergent sheets leave nothing but freshness and softness. They are made of plant-based enzymes and dissolve completely, leaving no trace of residue. They are gentle on your clothes and can be used in both hot and cold water. These sheets can remove 25 types of stain and works as efficiently as other detergent powders without harming your clothes or skin.

Another interesting factor is that it naturally protects clothes from fading which is unlikely when you wash with normal detergent powders. While washing in washing machines, dirt gets accumulated on the clothes over some time and gives them a faded look. Natural sheets, while removing stains trap dirt too, thus retaining the brightness of your clothes. That means they do not simply wash your clothes but prioritize hygiene too.

Beco's laundry sheets come in compact recycled paper boxes, while standard detergents come in plastic bottles and packets that take around 500 years to decompose. You may not want to live with that guilt. Shop now and switch to an eco-friendlier option.


If you want to advocate sustainable living, take a step now and make the smart choice. Shop now for the best eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets that you can get. Beco also has a vast array of eco-friendly home and personal care products that you would love to use.